As Christmas approaches, commercial kitchens will be under even more pressure to deliver. In this blog, we delve into the essential art of preparing your commercial kitchen for the Christmas rush.

From ensuring the smooth operation of your equipment to maintaining impeccable cleanliness, join us on a journey to make your kitchen a hub of efficiency and delight during this merry season.

What steps can you take to keep your equipment working?

To manage the increase in customers, it is crucial to ensure that your kitchen equipment is functioning at its best. Here are six straightforward steps to avoid any breakdowns in the kitchen during the festive season.

Keep Your Ice Machines Clean

Give your ice machine a thorough clean to stave off harmful bacteria and ensure a seamless flow of Christmas cocktails.

Check Your Ventilation

Prioritise the cleaning and inspection of ventilation; crucial for maintaining a safe work environment, especially during the hectic and extended festive service where time is of the essence.

Inspect Your Gas Appliances

Schedule a mandatory Gas Safety check (required by law every 12 months) to ensure the safety of your gas appliances and monitor carbon monoxide levels.

Be Proactive With Your Equipment

Don’t wait for a breakdown; replace any worn-out machinery parts now to avoid unpleasant surprises during the Christmas dinner rush.

Check Larger Kitchen Equipment

Conduct a comprehensive maintenance check on larger equipment and gas ovens, preparing them for the upcoming festive demands.

Give Your Refrigeration A Thorough Clean

Deep clean and meticulously inspect walk-ins and refrigeration units to steer clear of any mishaps—no one wants a spoiled turkey on the holiday table!

commercial kitchen equipment consultation

Speak to the experts!

At Inox, we are commercial kitchen equipment experts. If you’d like more advice or information about preparing your commercial kitchen for Christmas, then get in touch today and one of our expert team will help.